| 1. | It also provided energy audits and helped companies improve their energy efficiency.
| 2. | Its Energy Audit Center provides services to local and regional enterprises.
| 3. | Homeowners implementing ECMs in their residential buildings often start with an energy audit.
| 4. | Weatherproofing and insulating a house are the main focus of residential energy audits.
| 5. | _Conduct a home energy audit for help determining what upgrades may be needed.
| 6. | In 1994, Temple Emanuel completed an energy audit of its building.
| 7. | WAP technicians perform energy audits on a home to help locate efficiency problems.
| 8. | _Columbia offers home energy audit computer software worth $ 60.
| 9. | To learn if you are eligible for an energy audit, call or your utility.
| 10. | Formal testing can be arranged through local power companies, which will conduct energy audits.